Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am trying my best to really apply myself to living frugally. Not that I really HAVE to, though I believe no matter what kind of money God has blessed you with it does need to be told where to go and what to do. I just believe that God has blessed us with this, so we desperately need to manage it in a way that would be glorifying to God. Excess is SO promoted in this world today. I have family members who never can get enough, and are always wanting more more more. I admit I have had those feelings in the past, but I am trying to learn contentment.
The scripture that gave inspiration to this blog (Ecc. 4:6) really struck home one morning, as I was reflecting over yet another disagreement between me and dear husband, as I had once again spent outside of the budget and was left without for the rest of the week. I realized that if I just applied myself to having a “handful with quietness” instead of “handfuls with vexation” that it would be so much nicer around here. NOT that DH and I have large arguments, but just that the only dissagreements we do have have always been about money. Why not do my part to really make this a Godly and peaceful home!! That’s where the quest of my life started. I haven’t always been such a person - I was a corporate, meeting attending, broke money spending crazy person. Praise God he can change a person. I wouldn’t trade being a mommy now for anything. I want more children, I want to clean, I WANT to be frugal, wow time and God can change someone so much! That’s my journey - that’s my blog, as I focus on being the BEST wife, mama, child of God & steward I can be!!

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